How are Teenagers Represented in the media?

Teenage Stereotypes

A stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things. These thoughts or beliefs may or may not accurately reflect reality.

Is it fair how teenagers are represented in the media?
Look for a variety of images representing the typical teenager. Is is easy to find positive images or are most of them negative? Why is this the case?

Research Task

  1. Collect a range of images on a Powerpoint slide - Print this out to stick into your book.
  2. Find three news articles which involve teenagers.
  3. Using these images and articles as your evidence. Write in your book about what you think are the key stereotypes that teenagers have to cope with? Do you think it is fair?

Extension Task

Can you think of anywhere in the media where teenagers are presented in a positive or realistic way? Add this to your work to try and balance your argument about teenage stereotyping.


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