The Hunger Games: Textual Analysis

Do you have an eye for film? Media Studies is all about how meaning is created by directors. They make choices about how to use the tools of film making:
  1. Camera
  2. Sound
  3. Editing
  4. Mise-en-scene
By deconstructing these elements of any moving image text, it is possible to explain the effect on the audience and explore the director's intentions or message behind the product.

Task: You are going to look at a close textual analysis of a key scene from The Hunger Games film. The Reaping Scene is where Katniss steps in to protect her sister Primrose. You are going to use the Moving Image Glossary to analyse what the scene suggests to the audience. You will need to make notes based on all four film elements above.

In the freeze frame of the clip here, you could look closely at mise-en-scene through the costume, colour, lighting and framing of the characters in the medium shot. It is clear that Katniss is at the centre of the action, positioned in the centre of the frame, looking toward the camera but never into it (characters cannot have direct mode of address because it breaks the 'fourth wall' and would ruin the narrative). You could comment on her simple blue dress which appears old fashioned and suggests that she is poor. You could also comment on her facial expression and the reaction of the crowd of onlookers in the background. Both construct the message that this is a stressful and shocking situation for Katniss. In contrast the three Capitol peace keepers are dressed in white military outfits, suggested by the helmet, bullet proof vest and militarised cuff design. Katniss appears to live in an oppressed occupied country where she has little power. Of course, having watched the film, you know all of this to be true but it is identifiable from just this one frame, if you know where to look.

Next Steps: Once you have watched the clip four times, and made lots of notes, you need to write an analysis of the clip. You must add in explanations of the effect of all of the four areas of textual analysis and how the meaning is constructed for the audience.


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