An introductory task - My 5x5

Welcome to GCSE Media! During Year 9 you will get to learn lots of new vocabulary to help you discuss media texts like an expert. Media texts are anything from television programmes, films and You Tube videos to newspapers, computer games and music albums. These media texts are any product that is creatively produced to entertain specific audience groups.

We want to know what has inspired you to pick this course by finding out more about your own media interests. You are going to describe your favourites using images and examples from the media products you buy into at home. 

  1. Choose five areas of the Media that you like.
  2. Within each area pick your five favourites. 
  3. Add a description/explanation/justification.
  4. Add images to illustrate.
  5. Print work out and stick in your exercise books.

Creativity tips

These moodboard and scrapbook examples below showcase creativity with their artistic mix of fonts, graphics and images. Using mixed media, colour, texture and clever layout choices will create impact. The opening pages of your Media Studies book will be marked for creativity as well as your understanding of how to categorise different media platforms and products and how to explain their appeal to audiences.



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