Comparing media language in music videos.

Now you need to write about the two music videos we have been looking at in class. You can write this in your book or on a Word document (but you will need to email this to your teacher by the end of the lesson -

Task: Explain one way in which music videos use media language to differ from each other. Refer to one example of contrasting media language in two music videos you have studied to support your answer.

Use the following questions to help structure your answer. tip: Remember to use what how why plus media terminology in the how part (Q2 and 4).
  1. Pick out what two generic conventions from the two videos show a contrast.
  2. Write a brief description of how the convention is being used in the Black Magic music video.
  3. Explain the effect on the viewer and why the director wants to create this message. Remember to talk about audience appeal here.
  4. Write a brief description of what contrasting convention is being used in the Somebody To You music video and how it is being used to create a message.
  5. Explain the effect on the viewer and why the director wants to create this message. Remember to talk about audience appeal again.
  6. Conclude why you think the two music videos are using different media language conventions. You may want to consider the different target audience or the different styles and image of the two bands.


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